söndag 20 mars 2011

Gaddafi says he will defeat of Western forces

Vehicles belonging to forces loyal to the Libyan leader explode after an air strike by coalition
forces, along a road between Benghazi and Ajdabiyah on Saturday
Source: Dailymail

On Saturday evening the 19th March 2011, hours after a cease fire was declared by the Gaddafi regime, a French aircraft carried out the first strike on an unknown Libyan vehicle, fulfilling its promise of US, British and French military intervention in Libya. The rockets destroyed the Lybiasair defense installations and a no-fly zone was immediately established over Lybia.
Once again, the representatives of a despotic regime has been taking hectic and unsustainable actions against the people who are against him, and once again the authorities have been willing to move from words to action. But this time, the international community cannot and does not stand by and watch.
The good thing about the late action against Gaddafi is after all the action now taking place has been sanctioned by the UN Security Council and with a cautiously but still a full support by the Arab League.
The opposition is very beleaguered, but hopefully it involves intervention by the Allies to that Gaddafi will fail to take control of Benghazi, thus, the opposition and resistance remain and can be consolidated. There Allies front a very demanding period of time, during which it applies to weaken the dictatorship while preventing loss of life. Gaddafi appears to be aiming at escalating the situation by handing outweapons.

The UN-sanctioned attack on Libya is not a good solution but there is perhaps no other solution.

1 kommentar:

  1. Very good and interesting post. After seeing how Gaddafi and his followers say they would like to have a cease fire. But then still continue attacking the rebels and bombing them. I think the bombing done by NATO was the only way for us to protect the citizens of Libya. What I do find odd is that now when there is a lot of protests in Syria happen that the UN do not step in and deploy forces in the same manner we did with Libya. Maybe it is all just a game and EU just want to get a hold of the oil.
